Frais means "Fat," I think

The milk over here.
For at least 15 years, maybe 20 or 25 I've drunk only non-fat milk. But non-fat milk is a thing unknown in France, even in Paris. The best you can do is something they call Lait Frais 0,5 (I'm respecting their maddening preference for a comma over a decimal point--how do these people run an economy and engineer automobiles with commas substituting for decimals?!)
(Oh, I guess I answered myself there)
This milk only comes in one litre size, which looks like a quart. They don't offer the gallons we are used to in the States. And that's probably good, because boy, is it rich. Nothing like nonfat (water with some white dissolved in it). I can only handle a quart at a time. We have to get used to going to the store nearly every day if we want to keep ourself properly supplied. The small 'fridge here keeps us from any extravagant stockpiling.
I still like cereal in the morning. The Special K over here is great. But with this milk, it's like eating my morning cereal in a bowl of ice cream.
It's that rich!
So I'm trying to cut back on my milk intake. I don't want to become one of those fat Americans, esp. after going to the trouble of moving to France.
(And regarding the French know-how low-blow: I know, I know, Renault just won the Constructor's World Championship in Formula One, and God bless 'em--but they sure didn't do it in a Twingo, Mégane or Espace.)
Please Note: Photo added after the fact, once I learned how to do it.
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