"Radio Neige-Folle" Becomes "Radio Ye-Ye"
Now, I thought one of the advantages to living over here on the Continent would be an Olde Worlde rhythm to Chritstmas, with Advent, Epiphany, the Twelve Days of, etc. Well, maybe in ENGLAND.
Here, they are even lacking that predictable blizzard of post-holiday mark-downs in all the stores (these Parisians are so above discounts) (I wrote that but I don't believe it)(they're just adept at masking their excitement for such things).
And now my favorite LIVE365 radio station (well, my favorite in French), "Radio Neige-Folle" has changed format. Just one day after Xmas?
Maybe there really is a War on Christmas....
And what has it been replaced by?
"Radio Yé-Yé," exclamation point.
They've dumped their fascinating exploration of the French Xmas cannon for "la radio des années 60."
It's actually pretty good.
Right now they're broadcasting some French songster belting out a numbers that would be at home in a French version of "Hair." But with a more primitive sound, which is a plus. The playlist mixes a little beatnik doo-wop, a little cabaret with twangy electric guitars, a little psychedalia. Nice.
Here's another shot of some neige from last night. Unfortunately, we did not wake up to a winter wonderland. The snow levels have even receded a bit today, though flurries have been seen out our window from time to time.

Still looks cold, huh? High today is 26.
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